My Dad spent all evening with me last night helping me pack, and all morning as well. I finally got my backpack all ready, but even with all my dad’s help I couldn’t get it under 16kg. To my credit, my mom asked me to bring a few things to her in Vienna, which added weight to my luggage.
This is me with my backpack containing all of my belongings for the next 2 months:
My Toronto-Amsterdam flight was really smooth and quite short! At least it felt short, it was only 6:30 hours long, which is almost nothing compared to my 13 hour Toronto-Tokyo flight last summer!! The airplane was massive!! It had two floors, and just hundreds and hundreds of people!
I watched the movie New In Town with Renee Zellweger. It was alright, cute, but nothing spectacular. And I spent the rest of the flight sorting through photos from my Dad’s 64th Birthday Party my Mom and I threw for him on Friday night, sending out emails attaching the photos, and listening to the Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix audiobooks. I sat next to a very sweet Greek couple who were on their way to Athens to spend the next 2 months relaxing in the sun in a very exotic Greek city.
During my short time sorting photos during the flight I managed to completely drain my computer’s battery (it’s times like these when I wish I had paid the $50 extra for the larger battery…). Once I arrived in Amsterdam I set out to find an outlet in the airport. I successfully found not 1 but 2 outlets… but neither of them would charge my computer. So after frantically searching the airport stores, and with the help of a very nice airport employee I was able to purchase a new adaptor, and at last I am on my computer again!
I will end this blog post here, since I have nothing new to report. I will fly to Vienna in a few short hours to join my mom for the next week :)
Hey Lady, you've done a lot so far considering you haven't even reached your destination yet! I'm looking forward to seeing your photos, and reading about your adventures. Say hi to your mom for me! xoxo Kim